
Local Colors

Local Colors in Kennenbunkport, Maine, USA.


Kayaking, Wells, Maine, USA.

The House at Burgen Bauen

The house at Burgen Bauen, Switzerland.

Colors II

Happy 4th of July to all of my viewers.

Mar Azul

Mar azul, subi mansinho
Lua cheia lumiam caminho
Pam ba nha terra di meu
São Vicente pequinino, pam bà braçá nha cretcheu...

From the song Mar Azul of Cesária Évora.


The helm of the Adirondack.


Pemaquid region, Maine, USA.

Mister X

Did you take the picture?
You are bull shitting me!
No, I took the picture!
No you didn't!
Yes I did!

Deep Horizons

The coast of northern Maine, USA.

Boston Downtown

Boston downtown, Massachusetts, USA.