Rocky Shores II

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
Harriet Beecher Stowe


Sometimes I like to wander around the city. Boston is a great place for photos, and from a photographer's perspective it always has something for everyone. Being one of the oldest cities in the United States, its architecture landmarks are shaped from the old to the new from one street to the other, it feels like time traveling. I am near an intersection on School St., mainly shooting scenes at eye level, we are in the month of September, it's a busy Saturday afternoon and the city is filled with life. Many scenes are capturing my attention, but at the entrance of Spring Lane it happens that I look up and what I see makes it one of my favorite photos. The building's architecture and facade are unique, it reminds me of the 40's and the 50's. I keep looking up feeling as I am in a different time in space. I want to make the shot unique, at least to myself. I can see the frame well even before bringing my Canon to the eye, I know that the street light will bring back again the sound of Lawrence Welk's band to the picture. I bring the viewfinder to the eye, I am very close to the building and here I need to take advantage of the 18 mm focal length so I can have in the frame all that I want. The Canon DSLR, has seven focal points and I can choose a good point of focus manually alternating between them. In between center weight or matrix metering, I choose matrix metering. It is the best in this situation since intensity of light changes from the bottom of the building to the top and it is a great advantage to be able to change it. I do one shot only hand-held, shutter speed 1/60, aperture 8.0, ISO speed 400 at 18 mm focal length. City photography, because of its nuances of light, architecture and people, always attracts me. Talking about light my post  is inspired on Light and a new camera technology Light's #VantagePoint project.