

Mount Washington Summit, New Hampshire, USA.
The Summit, registered the strongest winds speeds on the planet, 372km/h in April of 1934. Erratic weather is common in these mountains. The photo was taken in the Summit and as you can see on the left side of the picture is the road.


Beach babe said...

Hi, I am having more wine, not thinking about sex, enjoying the sunshine and reading your blog! Photography... there are many, many pictures within one picture. Cropping is the magic formula!

Dave King said...

Amazing pic - but it sounds as though taking it was more amazing.

fotosbrujas said...

Seeing this photo you want to fly one, sweetie
saludos compañero

Cleo said...

Olá, obrigada pela visita e por assinar meu guestbook, adorei teu blog, fotos belíssimas.

Marco Reis said...

We don't have such beauty's here in Portugal...
Great moment of INSpiration!

Unknown said...

Uau! Se não fosse a tua explicação diria que estas fotos foram tiradas a partir de um avião. De cortar a respiração!

Quando as vi veio-me à ideia outra fase... "I believe I can fly" :-)

Beijos e boa semana.

Emanuel Azevedo said...

Trabalho fotográfico de grande perfeição. Os meus parabéns! Um forte abraço dos Açores.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Holy moly! and I thought the mountains in Az were scary to drive down. Nice shot, angle and clouds floating by. do you put those cute little pics on the right side line of your blog? ( I know I could eventually figure it out, but... )
And I wonder if I could find some art work of some nice pin-up guys! lol

AVCr8teur said...

That is quite a view from the top and probably well worth the dangerous drive. Thank you for the adventure.

- Moisés Correia - said...

Engano com palavras mudas o grito que cala
Esperanças na ponta da lança que fere o peito
Atingindo sentimentos sentidos por defeito
Descritos pelo som da escrita, que por si fala

Passando para agradecer a gentil visita
Retribuindo de uma forma que emana
Em aqui estar e ler sua sublime escrita
E desejar-lhe uma extraordinária semana

O eterno abraço…


rusc said...

Wow, amazing photos. Climbing is one of the most sublime activity, I think.

fotosbrujas said...

Log in to check a new job, you leave a greeting and the promise of my return
saludos amigo

Beach babe said...

I'm now into painting - I have a job for two days, getting people to paint their names on canvas all day!

stefanie said...

hey there. thanks much for the comments on my blog.
I think both your photos & thoughts to them are amazing! i'll check back from time to time! keep it up :-]

Alex said...

Wow great landscapes Adrian well done.

Dragos Petre said...

Beautiful view captured in these photos.

luisa vale- fotografia said...

"Give me wings and let me fly"

Por vezes preciso fechar as portas e voar um pouco...a seguir sinto saudade dos amigos e acabo por voltar.

Belissimas fotos.

um beijinho

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Great images, good view up there :o)

Owen said...

We took the cog railroad up to the top in 2002, it was a long strange trip, and even in August I was surprised how cold and windy it was up there, and clouds and fog so thick there was no chance that day of getting shots like these... so thank you for those pix.

Miguel Almeida said...

Fantástica vista, o ambiente criado pelas nuvens, o recorte das montanhas as diferenças de altitude transmitem uma tal dimensão que nos fazem sentir pequeninos e ao mesmo tempo querer abraçar o mundo.