Days of Summer

Rockport, Massachusetts, a view of Motif No. 1.


Sharon Day said...

Flawless technique. I can't help but be distracted by the subject matter--three of my favorite things; weather worn buildings, water and boats. That is an unbelievably gorgeous picture.

fredamans said...

Very beautiful scene!

Marilyn said...

This is FREAKING FANTASTIC... Love the processing ;))

Marilyn said...

ps: what part of NE are you from..? I am too.. From Boston ;)) It's nice to see phenomenom photography in the area.. ;)) Your work is awesome..

Fábio Martins | Fotografia said...

Great quality my friend!

Teresa Evangeline said...

Rockport's a cool place. All those fishing villages along the Maine coast have a nice ambience to them and plenty of photo opps. This is a great photo!

Janita said...

Olá Adrian!
Bonita imagem de um dia de Verão, ainda que o céu esteja um pouco nublado.
Está tudo bem contigo? Espero e desejo que sim.

Photohunter said...

Great photo, i like the red color of the house.

Magia da Inês said...

Fotografia deslumbrante!
Boa semana!
° 。✿ °° 。

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Stunning image!

Jesús M. said...

Precioso color el de la casa destancando sobre la oscuridad que la rodea. Buena foto. Un saludo.-

Remus said...

Um autêntico postal de Rockport.
É um HDR? Pelo menos parece que sim.
Gostei do resultado.

Carl said...

Excellent! was this an HDR image? If so what sw?

michael aanji crowley said...

great light Adrian

Steve Zakur said...

Very sweet shot. Great composition and stunning technique.

Snap Dragon Photography said...

Great place for a photograph! I happened by Rockport in 05, wish I could have stayed a little longer. Wonderful shot of Motif #1.

OceanoAzul.Sonhos said...

What a beautiful picture, looks like a painting, the sunset on a summer day

meperdidemim said...

Very beautiful
Não sei qual a fotografia mais bonita, vc tem a arte de misturas natureza, cores e lugares, saudades e bjs

Anonymous said...

This is amazing.....which I was living in this photo..!!